Sunday Bulletins

Sunday Worship | February 2, 2024

  • Celebration

    Sunday at 9:00 am | Sanctuary

    What’s In A Name? Loyal Love
    Exodus 34:5-8, Ruth 2:19–20, Luke 1:46–55

    We read “God is Love” (I John 4:8) in the New Testament but it is in the Hebrew Bible – Old Testament – that we see the unique “Loyal Love” (Hebrew – KHESED) that The LORD really is. The LORD will not leave the room – or our life – when we embarrass Him.

  • Watershed

    Sunday at 9:45 am | Anchor Gym

    Yahweh is Loving
    Exodus 34:5-9; Psalm 136

    This week we will be exploring the love of God, or better yet Yahweh’s hesed.  The term hesed is multifaceted and rich in its meaning.  It speaks to the loyalty, steadfastness, and enduring quality of God’s faithfulness to us.  It also encompasses His goodness, kindness and mercy extended us as well.  And to know that this hesed/love of God endures forever is good news!

  • Fusion

    Sunday at 10:30 am | Great Room

    Abounding in Love
    Exodus 34: 5-8

    We are continuing our sermon series in Exodus 34:6-7 titled "What's in a Name?" where God describes his own character to Moses. This week we will consider the phrase - abounding in love.  This Hebrew word for love is the only one mentioned twice in Exodus 34:6-7 which reveals how core it is to the character of God. We will work on Sunday to wrap our minds around this idea of God's love that too often is reduced to modern definitions and conceptions.  The Bible paints a much more robust picture that is far more powerful and impactful in this world.  Join us as we explore together. 

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