Sunday Bulletins

Sunday Worship | December 22, 2024

  • Celebration

    Sunday at 9:00 am | Sanctuary

    Bringing Life Into Focus
    Luke 4:14–21

    Throughout life, our vision of all sorts of things can be blocked or distorted by all sorts of causes. The Good News is that Jesus has been anointed to bring recovery of all sorts of sight problems to all who look to Him in Hope and, through Him, to our world and calling.

  • Watershed

    Sunday at 9:45 am | Anchor Gym

    Sight for the Blind
    Luke 4:14-21

    Throughout our Advent series, we have seen how Jesus brings freedom and good news to the oppressed, which includes the physically and spiritually poor and the physically and spiritually imprisoned. This week, we will see how Jesus continues giving His freedom by healing the sight of the blind, and restoring to the world the ability to see and to understand. 

  • Fusion

    Sunday at 10:30 am | Great Room

    Healing Love

    Luke 4: 16-21

    This week we continue our Advent journey that leads us toward Christmas with our "Good News of Great Joy" sermon series.  We have been camped out in Jesus' announcement of his public ministry found in Luke 4: 18-19 when he quotes from Isaiah 61.  This week we focus on the phrase "recovery of sight for the blind" and Jesus' purpose in bringing healing.  What kind of healing did Jesus come to proclaim?  How do we see this demonstrated in Jesus' life and ministry?  What is the implication for our lives? Join us as we explore these questions and more. 

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