
The following events are great opportunities to join us in the journey of being found in, formed by and following Jesus.

Care Portal Responder Training

Care Portal Responder Training

Care Portal Response Team Training | Sunday, March 30 at 11:45pm-1:15pm
Did you sign up to be a Care Portal Responder following a presentation by Kory Plockmeyer? Join us for a brief training session in the Boathouse Fireside Room on March 30th. This training is highly recommended and will provide practical details for best using the platform as well as training regarding dignified connection with recipients.  Please register at by March 28th, a light lunch will be provided.

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Building a meaningful relationship through dementia

Building a meaningful relationship through dementia

Building a Meaningful Relationship Through Dementia
Thursdays, April 17 - May 15 frin 10 to 11:30 am
Fireside Room, Boathouse
Book cost $15

Caring for a person who has dementia is a labor of devotion and patience. Because of the dementia, the person involved and your relationship will take on a new direction. Join us as we learn together and gain more insight into the intriguing world where the person with dementia exists and ways to successfully navigate this new journey. We will gain new perspectives on obstacles. We learn ways to enjoy loved ones on a deeper level. We will learn more about the affirmative response method of communication. We will also explore the power in words for personal worth and assurance that God still cares and they are loved. We will be working through the book by Laura Wayman, A Loving Approach to Dementia Care.

Sign Up by emailing Christine MacDonald or calling the church office.

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Women's Ministry Jewelry & Crafting Event

Women's Ministry Jewelry & Crafting Event

We have Linked Lakeshore coming to do permanent bracelets and jewelry! We will also be painting candles and terracotta pots while you are not getting jewelry. You will have to pay for your own jewelry, craft supplies will be provided by Harderwyk Women’s Ministries.
This is a come and go event and you are welcome to come do crafts, even if you don't want jewelry!

Please RSVP here or to April at by April 12!

Learn more about permanent jewelry:

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Grief Share

Grief Share

After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues, and you feel alone. We invite you to join GriefShare, a friendly caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. In this 12-week class, we listen to others (video experts and testimonies); we listen to each other (sharing in small groups about how we can GROW forward); and we listen to God (guided by scriptures/workbook). Let us walk together through grief toward healing and hope for the future. A light brunch will be provided. Cost $20 per person (workbook).

Dates for this session are April 21, 2025 through July 14, 2025. We will meet in the Boathouse (1619 W Lakewood Blvd) on the campus of Harderwyk Ministries.

Questions? Contact Mary Dewitt

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent.  An Ash Wednesday service seeks to remind Christians that we were formed from dust and to dust our bodies will return – to remind us that we are spiritually, emotionally, morally, intellectually, and relationally fragile beings. Ashes, which symbolize death and repentance, are placed on the worshiper's foreheads in the form of the cross with the officiate saying, Remember that thou art dust, and to dust, you shall return.

Join us in the Sanctuary as we mark the beginning of the season of Lent following a light soup supper.

If you are unable to join us in person, view our live stream on our Celebration YouTube Channel.

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Chili Cook Off & Bake Sale

Chili Cook Off & Bake Sale

The Harderwyk Staff is busy perfecting their favorite chili recipes for you to choose the winner of the 2025 Chili Cook Off. Sample some or all of the chili varieties and vote for your favorite chili with your cash - all funds raised go towards Harderwyk Missions. All are welcome to join us in the Great Room for this fun event.

There is no charge for this event but please bring money to vote for your favorite chili. We will have change for those coming with checks or larger bills. Don’t forget to bring some extra money for the Bake Sale Tables fundraising money for the upcoming Ireland Mission Trip.   

There will also be Mac and Cheese, Fruit, Salad, and PB &J for those who don’t care for chili.

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Function is a safe place for 7th & 8th grade students to have fun with youth ministry staff and parent chaperones. Activities include karoake, arts and crafts, video games, dancing, nine square, gaga ball, basketball, and a photo booth. Pizza and Pop is served all night.

Functions are held monthly on Fridays during the school year from 6 to 9 pm in the Anchor Building.

Purchase $10 wristbands through the HSM Student Ministry App or at the door before the event begins.

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Parents Night Out

Parents Night Out

Drop off children ages 3-12 years old for an evening of fun while parents go out for dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Drop off under the canopy at the Red Brick Church Building.  Payment by donation. All proceeds benefit the Ireland Mission Team.

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Valentine's Ball

Valentine's Ball

You are invited to join us for our 3rd Annual Valentine's Ball.

This is a FREE event and it will be held in the Great Room of the Red Brick Building at Harderwyk Ministries. We will have snacks, a DJ, dancing, photo booth and more. Come join us with your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews and siblings for this family event which is sponsored by Harderwyk Children's Ministry.

Any questions, please contact Becky Visser, Director of Children's Ministry at

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Community Night

Community Night

Community Night Dinner - 5:15 to 6:00 pm in the Great Room of the Red Brick Church Building
We begin the evening with a buffet meal in the Great Room. Dinner is free but donations to help cover the costs are appreciated. Suggested donations are $3 per child, $5 per adult or $15 per family. We accept cash, check, or credit card donations for dinner expenses.

Harderwyk Kids - 6:00 to 7:30 pm

  • Discovery Kids (K-1st Grade Boys and Girls) meet in the lower level of the Red Brick Church Building.

  • GEMS (2nd-5th Grade Girls) meet in the lower level of the Red Brick Church Building.

  • Cadets (2nd-5th Grade Boys) meet in the Anchor Building.

Harderwyk Students - 6:00 to 7:30 pm

  • Undertow (Middle School Students) meet in the Anchor Building Loft & Foundry.

Harderwyk Adults - 6:00 to 7:30 pm

  • Discover Your Bible will meet in the Library. We are studying The Gift of Christmas.

  • Women’s Bible Study will meet in Room 1. We are studying “Abide” by Jen Wilkin.

  • Mision Rey de Reyes will meet in the Sanctuary.

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Harderwyk Combined Worship

Harderwyk Combined Worship

Join us for a Harderwyk Combined Worship experience this Sunday in the Great Room of the Red Brick Building.

For All the People

Luke 4: 14-30

This week we wrap up our journey we began during Advent considering the "Good News of Great Joy" found in Luke 4: 18-19 when he quotes from Isaiah 61.  This week we consider how the people of Nazareth respond to Jesus' proclamation and launch of his earthly ministry.  We will consider what incites the sudden change in mood from being amazed at Jesus' gracious words to being enraged and ready to stone him.  We will use this account to consider how we respond to Jesus even when he is not the Savior we hope for or expect. 

Livestream is available on the Fusion YouTube Channel or at

Nursery is available for children 3 years and younger. Activity Binders will be available to use during worship. Sunday School is on Christmas Break.

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Christmas Day Service

Christmas Day Service

Celebrate the Savior's birth! A multi-generational experience of Word and corporate worship that includes singing songs of Christmas with choir, organ and orchestra. A family-friendly balcony space is available for quiet play or view the livestreamed service in the library with an energetic child. Nursery is available. 

Join Harderwyk musicians in celebrating the birth of Christ with a walk-up choir rendition of Handel’s beloved “Hallelujah Chorus” from The Messiah during our Christmas morning service, All experience levels are welcome! No rehearsal for this event, all interested singers will receive music that morning and join the musicians at the conclusion of the service.

Livestream is available on the Celebration YouTube Channel or at

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

A contemplative journey through Luke's account of the Christmas Story as fulfillment of the words of the prophet Isaiah. It is a journey that leads toward Christ who is the light of the world. A family friendly balcony space is available for quiet play or view the livestreamed service in the library with an energetic child. Nursery is available.

Livestream is available on the Celebration YouTube Channel or at

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Aldea Coffee Holiday Sale

Aldea Coffee Holiday Sale

Aldea Coffee will bring their holiday and speciality roasts of coffee to purchase in both buildings on Sunday, December 15th.

Aldea Coffee is a people-and-planet-before-profit, Certified B Corporation. By partnering directly with farmers, roasting specialty coffee, and serving you, they strive to bring the highest level of social and environmental engagement to all communities in which they work.

This year Aldea Coffee and Aldea Development celebrate their 15th Anniversary. Learn more about how they partner with coffee farmers in Honduras: Aldea Development Website

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Parents Night Out

Parents Night Out

Drop off children ages 3-12 years old for an evening of fun while parents go out for dinner, do some last minute shopping, etc.  Drop off under the canopy at the Red Brick Church Building.  Payment by donation. All proceeds benefit the Ireland Mission Team.

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Harderwyk Get-Togethers Movie & Presentation

Harderwyk Get-Togethers Movie & Presentation

On December 9th, the Great Room will be turned into the Harderwyk Movie Theater.  It will be complete with fresh popcorn, soda, water and candy boxes.  We will also be serving coffee for those who did not get their morning fill. 

This special movie event will be centered around the movie with the famous line "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!".   The movie "A Christmas Story" is now the most popular film in America, with 50 million viewers annually on cable and TV alone and 9 million copies sold on DVDs.  

We will watch A Christmas Story together starting at 11 am (please arrive at 10:45am) and then be joined by Quentin Schultze who learned from the movie screenwriter (when they taught at Calvin together) how this movie includes a series of parables.

Please bring your own chair if it is more comfortable than the chairs we have in the great room.

Questions?  Contact

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Family Christmas Event

Family Christmas Event

Get into the holiday spirit by decorating Gingerbread Houses with us in the Great Room. We will be serenaded by delightful Christmas music and an opportunity to get your photo taken in the photo booth. All ages are welcome for this free family event.

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Function is a safe place for 7th & 8th grade students to have fun with youth ministry staff and parent chaperones. Activities include karoake, arts and crafts, video games, dancing, nine square, gaga ball, basketball, and a photo booth. Pizza and Pop is served all night.

Functions are held monthly on Fridays during the school year from 6 to 9 pm in the Anchor Building.

Purchase $10 wristbands through the HSM Student Ministry App or at the door before the event begins or through this link: Function Wristbands

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Piano Music by Brahms & the Schumanns

Piano Music by Brahms & the Schumanns

Please join us for a dedication recital with Allison Shinnick Keep and David Keep as they share the piano works by Brahms, Clara Schumann, and Robert Schumann. David & Allison made their four-hand piano debut in Germany in 2023 and are thrilled to share their music with Harderwyk Ministries in dedicating the newly rebuilt 1905 Mason & Hamlin grand piano in the Harderwyk Sanctuary.

A reception with light refreshments to follow. A free will offering will be taken as a thank you to the artists.

A New Piano for the Harderwyk Sanctuary - The Backstory & Need

A little bit about the musicians…

David Keep is a prize-winning pianist, theorist, and pedagogue. He has performed as recitalist, concerto soloist, Lied partner, and chamber musician through the United States and Europe. Recent recital venues include the Christian-Albrechts-Universität (Kiel, Germany), Bowling Green University (OH), Grove Music Festival (MI), Loyola University (IL), Lawrence University (WI), and Free at Three Recital Series (MI). His collaboration with artist Greg Lookerse (Hope College) produced an interdisciplinary exploration of George Crumb’s “Little Suite for Christmas”, funded by a grant from the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship. The resulting multimedia performance was presented to church congregations across West Michigan in 2022, designed to inspire conversations about faith, discomfort, and music in Advent. 

As a theorist, Keep has devoted much of his research toward understanding how meaning is perceived in music. Keep’s interests are centered on the music of Brahms, music of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and the connections between analysis and performance. He has presented his research at state, regional, and national conferences, and he has been invited to give lectures at Cornell University’s conference “Performing Clara Schumann: Keyboard Legacies and Feminine Identities in the Long Romantic Tradition” as well as at the Forschungszentrum der Johannes Brahms Gesamtausgabe, Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität, in Kiel, Germany. Current research projects include studies on disability and virtuosity in Brahms’s music, harmonic sequences as signifiers of the sublime, and the relationship between dance gestures and un-notated performance conventions in waltzes composed for the piano, particularly as captured by early recorded piano performances in the era leading up to 1914.

Dr. Keep is an Assistant Professor of Music at Hope College, where he teaches piano and academic courses to majors and nonmajors, emphasizing both the rigorous pursuit of specialization in music as well as the exploration of the art form’s significance within a liberal arts curriculum. David holds a Ph.D. in music theory from the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester; he earned a MM in piano performance with a minor in music theory from the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University; and he also holds a BM in piano performance from Lawrence University.

As pianist, educator, collaborative musician, and administrator, Allison Shinnick Keep advocates for the transformative role that music can play in society and in the lives of individuals. Her solo and collaborative performances have been heard across the US, Germany, Spain, and Japan, and in venues such as Bach-Saal (Kiel), Orchard Hall (Tokyo), Hill Auditorium (Ann Arbor), Helzberg Hall (Kansas City), and Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall (NYC). A champion of American works, Allison’s repertoire includes compositions by Griffes, Liebermann, and Price, and she has appeared as soloist in concerti by Amy Beach (Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra) and Aaron Copland (Lawrence University Symphony Orchestra).

A dedicated teacher, Dr. Keep received extensive pedagogical training at the New School for Music Study in Kingston, New Jersey, where she served on the faculty for four years. She has also held graduate teaching assistantships at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and at the University of Michigan. Allison is currently on the faculty of Hope College (Holland, MI), where she teaches courses in piano and aural skills. She also maintains a vibrant private studio of pre-college pianists.

Allison seeks to contribute to the greater piano teaching community both locally and nationally through serving in administrative roles, presenting at conferences, and writing. She recently performed a lecture recital of nocturnes by women composers at the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, in addition to co-chairing the New Professionals Committee. Her writing has appeared in the Piano Magazine, on the Piano Inspires Discovery Blog, and will be featured in an upcoming issue of the Piano Inspires Kids magazine. Dr. Keep currently serves as the secretary of the board of the PianoArts North American Competition, as well as the Teacher Education Chair for Michigan Music Teachers Association.

Allison holds a DMA in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from the University of Michigan; she earned a Master of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Missouri-Kansas City; and she holds a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and Oboe Performance with a minor in German from Lawrence University. She studied piano with Arthur Greene, Robert Weirich, and Catherine Kautsky, and her pedagogy mentors include John Ellis, Amy Glennon, and Mary Van De Loo.

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Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays

Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays

Grief is harder around the holidays

Know how to deal with the challenges

Facing this season while grieving can sometimes feel like taking one step forward and two steps back. But like a trusted guide, a 2-hour Surviving the Holidays event will prepare you to navigate the season’s changes.

More info and registration details:

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Women's Ministry Cookie Decorating Event

Women's Ministry Cookie Decorating Event

Women's Ministry Thanksgiving Cookie Decorating Event (Great Room)

The event is hosted by Renee Visser and is free! You will be decorating 6 cookies and will have the opportunity to buy more cookies to take home for $5. This is for women and children older than 12.

Please RSVP by November 9th to April at

Information can also be found on the Harderwyk Women’s Ministry Facebook Group

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Craft Sale

Craft Sale

Clear your calendar! On November 9th, you will find 2 buildings FULL of crafters, artisans, and vendors! All proceeds from this sale will benefit Harderwyk Missions. Enjoy shopping among the 70+ booths and don't forget to look for bargains in our second-hand market.

Pigs in a Blanket
Do you like pigs in the blankets? Well, we have the best! Ours are homemade without preservatives. Each pig covered with French puff pastry and are huge - perfect for Holiday's with family. We will have them hot and ready to eat or frozen and sold by the 1/2 dozen for $16.

Cookie Room
Shop for homemade cookies and baked goods by the pound. Pick out your favorites and bring home a container of treats to share with your family. All proceeds go towards the Ireland Mission Team.

Second-Hand Market
Shop for gently used home and holiday decor items at our Second Hand Market in the Anchor Building. All items are priced to sell; proceeds go towards the Ireland Mission Team.

Vendor Information
We still have 6x10 booths available for rent. This sale has a rich tradition of being on the northside of Holland for over 30 years and is sure to be full of shoppers on Saturday, November 9th. All proceeds from this event go towards Harderwyk Missions.
Vendor Application
Questions? Contact our Craft Sale Coordinator Christine MacDonald.

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Grief Share: Loss of a Spouse

Grief Share: Loss of a Spouse

Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible

Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on?

At a Loss of a Spouse seminar you’ll discover:

  • Other people understand and have found ways to make it through

  • Why it won’t always hurt so much

  • Reasons for hope

  • Practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse

Registration Information:

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Function is a safe place for 7th & 8th grade students to have fun with youth ministry staff and parent chaperones. Activities include karoake, arts and crafts, video games, dancing, nine square, gaga ball, basketball, and a photo booth. Pizza and Pop is served all night.

Functions are held monthly on Fridays during the school year from 6 to 9 pm in the Anchor Building.

Purchase $10 wristbands through the HSM Student Ministry App or at the door before the event begins or through this link: Function Wristbands

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Park2Park Race

Park2Park Race

The 20th anniversary of the Park2Park Race is quickly approaching and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
The Park2Park race is the largest annual fundraiser for Neighbors Plus – it’s a great way to show support for the ministries of Neighbors Plus, while spending a beautiful September morning cheering on and directing runners!

There are several open volunteer positions available your volunteer time will depend on your location. Please view locations where volunteers are still needed: Volunteer Stations

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Jennifer Roudebush.

Information and Runner Registration can be found at

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harderwyk calendar

Visit the calendar page for a full list of our weekly groups, meetings, worship services, and activities.