Support Groups

Grief Share
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues, and you might feel alone. We invite you to join a friendly caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. In this 12-week class, we listen to others; we listen to each other; and we listen to God. Let us walk together through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
Class Schedule
Leader: Mary Dewitt

Grief Share: Loss of a Spouse Seminar
Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible.
Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on? At a Loss of a Spouse and practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse.
This seminar is typically held every Fall.
Leader: Mary Dewitt

Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays Seminar
Should I hang his stocking even though he’s not here anymore? The holidays present unique challenges for people who are grieving. With Surviving the Holidays, you can receive support, understanding, and the tools to navigate the Holiday season.
This seminar is typically held in late Fall.
Leader: Mary Dewitt