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Fusion Sunday Worship

Fusion is one of three worshipping communities that comprise Harderwyk Ministries in Holland, MI. Rev. JB Wernlund serves as Campus Pastor. With a keyboard-led worship style, Fusion encourages everyone to join in the journey of faith by being found in, formed by and following Jesus.

This week at Fusion:
Wrestle with God
Genesis 32: 22-32

This week we continue our Lenten sermon series, "Fragile Faith; Faithful God." We will journey through the scriptures considering the brokenness of God's covenant people and the faithfulness of God as we fix our eyes on the cross of Jesus.  This morning, we will consider the life of Jacob the heel grabber whose name would be changed to Israel after an all-night wrestling match with God. We will explore how God remained faithful through Jacob's life of wrestling, scheming, and maneuvering through life and then ponder if, just maybe, Jesus has a better way...

March 23

Celebration Afterthought

March 23

Bell Choir Rehearsal