Harderwyk groups
Community Night Groups
Discover Your Bible
The Discover Your Bible series inspires readers to discover together what the Bible says and means. Participants dive into the text using questions that spark meaningful conversation and personalized application. Every lesson is designed to be a framework that guides groups on a unique and transformative journey.
Class Schedule
Women’s Ministry Bible Study
We are a diverse group of women - some mothers, some not; some working outside the home, some not; some married, some not. What unites us is our desire to take a break in our week, gather together for fellowship, studying the Bible, prayer, and supporting one another. Come and join us if you’re looking for a group of women who are authentic, genuine, kind, and supportive!
Class Schedule
Practicing The Way
The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the on-ramp to the Spiritual Practices with the encouragement of others in community.
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Support Groups
Grief Share
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues, and you might feel alone. We invite you to join a friendly caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. In this 12-week class, we listen to others; we listen to each other; and we listen to God. Let us walk together through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
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Community Building
Book Club
Join us for an engaging hour delving into the heart of a book, with a different member leading the discussion each month. Titles are solicited each spring for the next year’s list and selected by popular vote each May; they include both fiction and nonfiction, Christian and secular.
Harderwyk Get-Togethers
We are a fun loving, welcoming group of 60+ers who love to Get Together around food and fun. Sometimes we plan activities and sometimes we just enjoy food. Sometimes we are outside and sometimes we are inside. Our group is informal and loves to meet new folks.
Community Garden
The Harderwyk Community Garden is an excellent space to grow flowers and produce while getting to know our neighbors.
Sign Up
Invite a friend to play pickleball on our indoor court in the Anchor building.
Appalachian Trail Hiking Trips
Whether you are new to backpacking or a seasoned backpacker, we welcome all to join our yearly adventure in the Appalachian Mountains.
Sign Up
Young Adults
Looking for a place to fit in? Harderwyk Young Adults is a safe place for anyone who finds them in that post-High School era. We gather weekly at the Hoort’s house around a meal and time of discussion exploring how to experience life in Jesus.
Men's Groups
Monday Morning Men’s Group
"So what did you underline in this chapter?" That starts the conversation over breakfast on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7 am at Russ's Northside. We'll keep a chair open at the table for you - join the conversation or just listen - but come ready to get to know some other men and join us on the journey of being found in, formed by and following Jesus Christ.
Men’s Basketball
Pick up a game of basketball in the Anchor Gym on Wednesdays at 8 pm. All men ages 16 years or older are welcome to play.
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Women's Groups
Moms in Prayer Group
All are welcome to join us for two different opportunities to pray for our children during the school year.
Morning Women’s Bible Study
We are a group of genuine, loving women who are welcoming. We share our lives, support each other in prayer, and seek to intimately know Christ and deepen our relationship with Him. We would love to have others join us!
Women’s Ministry Events
Gather for a variety of community building events such as community service projects, axe throwing, bunko, porch pot making, and cookie decorating.
Women’s Cardio Kickboxing
Kickboxing currently meets on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 8pm in the Great Room of the Red Brick Building. The class is open to women only. FREE!
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Music Groups
Walk-Up Choir
The Walk-Up Choir, directed by Justin Rito, participates in some of the 9 am Celebration worship services. Rehearsals will be the week before and the morning before the group participates in Sunday worship. All are welcome to join as your schedule allows.
Handbell Choir
The Bell Choir, directed by Justin Rito, participates in some of the 9 am Celebration worship services. Rehearsals on most Sunday mornings from 10:45 to 11:30am in the Music Room. All are welcome to join and learn how to play handbells.
Watershed Worship Band
Watershed Worship Arts is a team that works together, each bringing their time and talents to honor God with authentic worship, and at the same time blessing the church with the gift of song. We want to love and lead our people in life-changing worship, and we want to esteem God’s name with our whole being. Primarily, this is done through serving the church with voice, drums, bass, electric guitar, keys, and modeling expressive postures of worship through contemporary song. Whatever your gift is, we want to see people use these to give God all the glory.
Sign Up
Harderwyk Ministries invites everyone to be found in Jesus by gathering regularly and building trusting relationships with one another, formed by reading the Scripture and praying together, and following Jesus through serving others and sharing what we have received from Him. Join us as we grow together.