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Practicing the Way 8-week Course

Two-thousand years ago, Jesus invited his first disciples to “Come and Follow me.” But what does it mean to follow Jesus today in our busy, digitally distracted and increasingly secular world? What would it look like to center and organize our lives more intentionally in and around Jesus Christ? Is this even possible today?


This is why we are running the Practicing the Way Course this Fall. The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the on-ramp to the Spiritual Practices with the encouragement of others in community.

We will provide each participant with a printed copy of the Companion Guide.

Ordering the “Practicing the Way” book by John Mark Comer is recommended (limited copies available from church).

Whether you are eager or just curious this course is for you.

March 17

High Tide

March 18

Open Anchor