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Neighbors Plus Food Truck Frenzy

Neighbors Plus invites the community to join them for an evening of fun, food, and prizes. This event is a fundraiser that supports missionary work here in Holland. Purchase your dinner from a variety of food trucks for a snack, a mix of meals, or desserts. Neighbors Plus will receive 20% of the sale/proceeds of the food feasting frenzy items. While dining and socializing, enjoy the opportunity to play games, take a hay wagon ride through our trails, and purchase raffle tickets for donated items and experiences from local businesses.

Gates Open: 4:30 to 7:15 pm Music, Games and Raffle bidding begin
Dinner: 5:00 to 7:15 pm Food Truck Frenzy
Anchor Gym: 7:15 to 8:00 pm Presentation and Raffle of Prizes

May 19

Book Club

May 26

Monday Morning Men's Group