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Building a Meaningful Relationship Through Dementia

Building a Meaningful Relationship Through Dementia
Thursdays, April 17 - May 15 frin 10 to 11:30 am
Fireside Room, Boathouse
Book cost $15

Caring for a person who has dementia is a labor of devotion and patience. Because of the dementia, the person involved and your relationship will take on a new direction. Join us as we learn together and gain more insight into the intriguing world where the person with dementia exists and ways to successfully navigate this new journey. We will gain new perspectives on obstacles. We learn ways to enjoy loved ones on a deeper level. We will learn more about the affirmative response method of communication. We will also explore the power in words for personal worth and assurance that God still cares and they are loved. We will be working through the book by Laura Wayman, A Loving Approach to Dementia Care.

March 24

Moms in Prayer

March 24

High Tide