God Given Abilities Assessment

Ever wonder how God is graciously equipping you to join His mission and serve as part of the Body of Christ?

Many find that exploring potential Spiritual Gifts to be a helpful step in that process. Follow the instructions to use two different resources for doing a self-assessment for gifts that be God at work in and through you.

1) Download and then print the "God-Given Abillities Assessment" Worksheet.

2) Follow the instructions to take the Self-Assessment and identify the gifts representing your top 3 "scores."

2) Download the "God-Given Abilities booklet" that lists and provides background information on 23 gifts from the Bible. Take time to study and consider the one-page descriptions of the top three potential grace-gifts from your Assessment.

3) Sit down together with a honest, trusted Christian friend and ask them:

How do you see these potential grace-gifts at work in me?

As you skim the other descriptions, do you see others that seem to fit with your experience of my service?

4) Contact your Harderwyk Campus Pastor - Bill, Aaron or JB - for a brief conversation about what you have discovered!